Creating Order Object

Creating the Order Object

  • Order object must be in JSON format. The order contains basic information, the products included in the order and some information about these products. Each parameter is explained separately below.


Order Parameters

CustomerNameName of the user who placed the orderstring
CustomerSurnameLast name of the user who placed the orderstring
CustomerIdID of the user registered to your system, otherwise leave blankstring
CustomerPhonePhone number of the user who placed the orderstring
CustomerPhone22nd phone number of the user who placed the orderstring
AddressThe address of the user who placed the orderstring
AddressDescriptionAddress description of the user who placed the orderstring
RegionDistrict-district information of the user who placed the orderstring
cityCity information of the user who placed the orderstring
PaymentMethodIdPayment type informationint
PaymentNotePayment notestring
DiscountTotal discount amount in the orderint
OrderNoteOrder notestring
ExternalIdOrder ID in your own systemstring
OrderTotalOrder Total Amountint
ParentIdID of the main productint

OrderDetails Parameters

Based on the product list taken from the Products API, you need to choose only one of the ProductUnitId or ProductCode fields in the product details of the orders you will create. When creating the product list in the order, you only need to fill in one of these fields and send the other without null or no value.

QuantityQuantity of product in orderint
ProductUnitIdId of the unit in the orderint
ProductCodeProduct code in orderstring
OrderDetailNoteProduct notestring
FeaturesFeature list of the product in the orderList<Object>
IsMenuInformation on whether the product in the order is a menuboolean
MenuIdMenu Id of the product in the orderint
ParentIdID of the main product in the orderint
Example Order Object
    "CustomerName": "Christian",
    "CustomerSurname": "Luyindama",
    "CustomerId": "44545",
    "CustomerPhone": "5554443444",
    "CustomerPhone2": "5554443441",
    "Address": "adres bilgisi...",
    "AddressDescription": "adres tarif",
    "Region": "Ataşehir",
    "City": "İstanbul",
    "PaymentMethodId": "3",
    "PaymentNote": "temassız çalışmıyorr",
    "Discount": "20",
    "OrderNote": "ıslak mendil getirin",
    "WebOrderId": "746364",
    "OrderTotal": "20.00",
              "Quantity": 4,
              "ProductUnitId": 43455,
              "OrderDetailNote": "çıtır olsun",
                      "Name": "Soğansız",
                      "FeatureId": "322343"
                     } ,{...},{...}
              "IsMenu": "true/false",
              "MenuId": "1",
              "ParentId": "1"